The South Florida Workforce Investment Board (SFWIB), chartered by the State of Florida, is one of 24 regional Workforce Boards in Florida. It is the regional workforce development board representing Miami-Dade County. Workforce Florida, Inc., and Florida Commerce oversee all regional workforce boards in Florida.
The SFWIB consists of 30 appointed Directors with a majority of its members from the private sector. These Directors oversee the largest workforce region in the state and a budget of approximately $59 million, including staff and resources from Florida Commerce. The SFWIB has local control and the accountability for overseeing workforce programs. Funds flow from federal departments to the State of Florida, and from the state to the regional workforce boards.
Prior to 2006, what is now known as the SFWIB was known as the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium (SFETC) and like today, oversaw federal and state funded workforce programs. The Consortium, which was made up of five member governments, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, City of Hialeah, City of Miami, the City of Miami Beach and the Consortium Board which was made up of representatives of the aforementioned governmental entities. The Consortium appointed the members of the SFETC Board of Directors. The SFETC Board of Directors approved the annual plan, operating budget and selected One-Stop Center Operators, while the administrative staff of the SFETC handled administrative and program functions for the organization.
Subsequently, in March of 2006, the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution R-315-06 which approved an Interlocal Agreement between the two chief elected officials of Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The approval of this Interlocal Agreement, created the South Florida Workforce Investment Board (SFWIB) and its current administrative structure. Key elements of the Interlocal Agreement included, but were not limited to: the roles and responsibility of the SFWIB and its Executive Director and provisions for the election of a Chairperson and members of the Board as required by the Workforce investment Act of 1998. Subsequently, the SFWIB established a new committee structure which now includes: the Finance, Intergovernmental Affairs, Economic Development, Executive, Workforce Systems Improvement Committees and the Youth Council.
Functionally, the organization connects human resource managers to qualified workers through a network of One-Stop centers and Youth Opportunity Centers. Centers provide services at no cost to employers and job seekers. Employer services include employee recruiting and screening, career advancement programs for existing staff, and facilitating business incentives. Centers also provide job search assistance for all career levels, information on training opportunities, and employment assistance for economically disadvantaged adults, youth, dislocated workers, and individuals transitioning from welfare to work.